Special Education Law:
There are two main frameworks that protect disabled students in the public school sector: (1) the Individuals with Disabilities Educational Act (IDEA) and (2) Section 504.
Section 504 (OCR Rehabilitation Act of 1973):
Section 504 is independent from IDEA. Section 504 is also less restrictive. Student’s that do not meet criteria or do not require special education services will generally receive academic support through section 504. Section 504 was created to provide adequate educational services to qualifying student, so that they may have equal access to their education as non-disabled peers.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
IDEA is a federal law that was created to provide eligible disabled students with a free appropriate public education. This law ensures that these students receive special education and related services, so that they may excel academically.
What Is An IEP?
An Individual Educational Plan (IEP) is a legal binding document that houses, in detail, all of the special education services a qualifying disabled student receives. This legal binding document is developed by the IEP team and is crafted to aid the disabled students specific, unique, and distinct academic needs. The parent’s signed consent is required in order for the IEP to be implemented.
What Is An IFSP:
An Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) is a legal binding document that is created for identified qualifying special education students that are below the age of three.