What Is A Functional Behavior Analysis/Assessment (FBA)

A Functional Behavior Analysis/Assessment (FBA) is a formal assessment that examines why a behavior is occurring. When an FBA is conducted it will always be accompanied by a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP). However, the same is not held true for a BIP, as you can have a BIP without an FBA. In order for an FBA to be performed the parent(s) or legal guardian must provide their written consent. Once the parent(s) has provided their written consent the assessor will have 60 calendar days to complete the evaluation, present the assessment results, and introduce the BIP to the IEP team. For exceptions to the assessment timeline please refer to The Assessment Timeline. Within these 60 days the assessor will establish a baseline of the frequency and deration of the maladaptive behavioral. They will utilize applied behavior analysis to determine the function of the behavior and isolate any environmental factors that may be contributing to the maladaptive behavior.

Advice to Parents

Consider asking these questions when an FBA Is proposed:

    • What general education interventions have already been implemented?
    • How often is the maladaptive behavior occurring?
    • What behavior supports will be implemented while the FBA and BIP are being developed?